Gradient Dynamic Trans
Cristobal Vila
This is a kind of counterpart node for the standard Gradient (Dynamic). It remaps a grayscale input to a new grayscale ramp, but in this case the direction is TRANSVERSAL to the gradient, and not longitudinal.
This node has a color version.
This node is based on a challenge I posted in the Inside the Node Facebook group. There were several people who offered different ideas. The solution applied here is based on an idea proposed by Bohdan Bilous.
Caution, since it’s not so clean as the atomic node, but can be useful on certain situations.
More details in this “Substance 3D Tools” section, side by side with other resources.
SBS file created with Designer 14.0.0 - Use and learn from it, but please: do not resell.
97.3 KB
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