Herringbone Tiling
Create a herringbone pattern both orthogonal or also with safe rotations, and with outputs for edges, random grayscale and masks.
As Wikipedia describes: “The herringbone pattern is an arrangement of rectangles used for floor tilings and road pavement, so named for a fancied resemblance to the bones of a fish such as a herring”.
Creating such a kind of tiling with other tools in Designer is very time consuming. Here you have a one-shot solution, with controls for Herringbone Amount, Length Ratios, Safe Rotations, Edge Width and convenient extra Outputs.
Of course, once you have this, you can use Flood Fill, Bevels, Distance… and all those common tools to further refine your tiles and bricks.
More details in this “Substance 3D Tools” section, side by side with other resources.
SBS file created with Designer 14.0.0 - Use and learn from it, but please: do not resell.